Who is USOarquitectura?
usoarquitectura (use-architecture) is an studio devoted to architecture and interior design. We understand architecture as a whole and that is why we approach projects without rules. Our team is formed by architects, designers, engineers and consultants specialized in all the fields of building.
Usoarquitectura , 12. 1. 2011
We use the best technology, resources and tools to satisfy our clients’ needs. We design spaces with the highest quality, efficiency and integration of architecture to the day to day activities. In every project we achieve the expected results combining experience and innovation, contributing with solutions and taking risks.
As experts in the use of the space our main goal is to maximize its value. With tools such as quick delivery, efficiency and high-tech resources we always search for the best quality in the space requested by the client.
The history of a great project is usually the history of a great client, one who is willing to use architecture and assume the risks involved in good ideas. Architecture blurs the boundaries between public and private, interior and exterior; changing frontiers and extending the limits. Things do not take place isolated, just like nature, one event triggers another. Architecture based on nature is more real to the world we live in.
usoarquitectura is the professional and life project of Gabriel Salazar and Fernando Castañón. Since 2005 they have printed their decisive, impeccable quality aesthetic and beyond the line proposals into solutions for their clients to use architecture.
Gabriel Salazar
Studied architecture at Universidad La Salle, Mexico City and graduated in 1997. He has wide experience developing residential and corporate projects, as well as stage scene. All these he has transmitted to the new generations through teaching and workshops in important universities in Mexico City.
Fernando Castañón
Studied architecture at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM and graduated in 2000. He received a master degree in design and theory of architecture from Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, ETSAB (2001). He worked in Monteverde Arquitectos studio in Barcelona (2002). His foreign experience allowed him to print a diverse point of view to his professional activities which he combined with teaching.
The spaces we live in live in us, screening the sparks of dawn and showing us the world through its windows. The spaces take shape around us, as well as they open an invitation to discover its interiors.
Further more than its immediate uses, architecture lets itself into all our senses and becomes a part of us. Our eyes are filled with the reflections we give back to the world. Architecture is the most evident manifestation of the way in which we conceive the world. We adapt and modify the landscape in such a way that each person makes use of the architecture beyond the specifications outlined by the design.
With all the uses that architecture has, and all the uses inherent to the space –live, walk, see the world through its windows, protection, work, sleep and dream- we are the special point in which all the invisible threads that shape the space get together. We use the architecture in many ways that we have not yet imagined.
The history of a great project is usually the history of a great client, one who is willing to use architecture and assume the risks involved in good ideas.
Selected projects – Architecture and interior
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Corporate interior design. The opportunity to develop a project in a building designed by architect Augusto H. Alvarez. A learning experience in the design process of plafond and lighting
Retail interior design and experience for the client. Confidence of the client to renew the image of the banking institutions.
Corporate and retail design. Responsible renovation of the image —from display units to facades— of a well-known footwear brand.
Temporary instalation for Soluciones 101. The opportunity to collaborate and enjoy, in a launching platform, among professionals and companies interested in good design.
Shopping experience. Preliminary design for sale points of electronic devices to be located in the new suburban train.
Corporate interior design. Our catapult to evince that we can perform better than anyone else. Water, fluidity, reflections, contrasts, curves and apparent technology as the company´s image.
Corporate interior design. A rational and solemn design ambiance with a library as concept. Exhausting experience that, with many directive changes, achieved a great result.
Shopping experience. Attend our client in the development process of the new image for their sales points. A perfect combination between the product and the display, harmonic and bright.
Corporate interior design. Development of a world class showroom. As being at home, coordinated colours and textures that interact throughout the exhibit.
Residential and commercial building remodeling. Recovery of a mixed use building in downtown Cancun. After several years of happening unnoticed, today it is a reference..
Mesones | 2007
Catalogued building remodeling. An enormous effort to rescue a building located in the historical centre of Mexico City, giving it new life and use.
Samsung | 2007
Corporate interior design. The exact combination between the rational use of resources and an interior design with personality.
Interjet | 2006
Shuttle and check in terminal project. Proposal developed in relation with the Toluca airport track. Can be seen from the air and in coming highway. Two overlays with two different uses.