Stepwise plan UN Studio
Note that the work method is a very brief outline how UN Studio works, and that it does not show any of the detail and uniqueness of a running design project. Because of this abstraction however, the work method does indicate:
Henri Hubertus Achten , 24. 2. 2004
What are important aspects to consider in the design process? In what general order is it a good way to proceed in the design process (what are the correct steps to take)? How to ensure important issues are dealt with and not forgotten in the design process.The use of a design method is not meant to produce designs that look like the designs of UN Studio, but it helps for: Understanding the typical approach of UN Studio. Comparing your own design process to that of someone else, in this case UN Studio. Becoming more clear on your own work methods.Analysis of movementMake many analyses on the map about movements on the site.Use multiple lines to indicate movement and concentrations. How? Use for example multiple splines and vary the weights of their controls. Try to see the computer as a sketch tool. Translate clusters of movements into surfaces or volumes. Denote existing and fictional (desirable) movement. How? Analyse current movement patterns in the area. Think how future movements should occur and where. Identify nodes and directions.The diagramDetermine the core issue of the design project. How? In the Moebius house for example, the notion of the Moebius band is related to the connections that two people have living in the same house. Find an image that is related to the core issue of the design: the diagram. How? A diagrammatic model is an image that shows something like structure, organisation, or forces.A diagrammatic model may not be an image from an architectural object - it has to come outside the domain of architecture. Identify structuring principles from the diagram that can inform the design.Define the connection between diagram and design, not directly (e.g., "this line in the diagram becomes a wall in my design") but on a higher level of abstraction (e.g., "turbulence in the diagram is a basis to think about circulation the building").The designVan Berkel's method is a mix of analysis and free interpretation.Argue how the analysis of movement and brief influences your design.Argue how the diagram influences the design.ChecklistWhat do you need/be able to do to use van UN Studio's method?Skills in AutoCAD and/or 3DStudio in particular with respect to surfaces.Analysis of the site in particular with respect to circulation, important places/concentration of people, and the distribution of public-private areas.A diagram to inform structure and organisation of the design.The continuous connection of the building with public space is of importance. This can be achieved on both the urban level and the architectural level.Stepwise plan UN StudioWorking method for the design projectby Henri Achtenh.h.achten [at]">H.H.Achten@tue.nl changed: February 23, 2004