01 | FormFinding- Glass Pannels | Skleněné panely
One of the main component of my glass interiour project should be the glass pannel. The main aim was to find new possibilities in this area using form finding./ Hlavním prvkem mého interiérového projektu by být skleněné panely. Cílem bylo najít nové možnosti prostřednictvím „hledání formy“. Jana Hladíková FA, ČVUT
Digitální architekt , 24. 4. 2007
At the beginning there was an attempt to compose glass element using naturally formed fragments of glass performed with semolina. First exploring how this material will behave making cumulus on a free space. Than find and choose the parameters, in this case there were: amount of the material, height of the hopper, size of the grain and size of the hole in the hopper. The next step was to compound glass panel, similar to final real glass panel of my design. Sheets of plastic plates fixed together wit a glue were choosen. This was the small segment of the real panel, devided into 5x5 cm parts into a grid which was later used for designate position of the hopper and separate the levels.The optimal amount of semolina (62,5m3 ) was pouring into the each ply from the set position. After one ply was made, it was close with plastic stripe according system that was choosen. The next knoll of semolina was poured prom the different place using the same amount of material. After few repetitions the whole segment of the glass panel was made. With choosing parameters I found and choose, I can change the properties of the composition, possibilities of light, design and other properties of the real glass pannels using the real material.This experiment was repeated with granulated sugar. Next step will follow choosen parameters, work with them, make few models and observe changing features of the pannel.